This application will allow you to configure NovAtel GNSS receivers.

- View receiver serial number, OmniStar serial number, and firmware version
- View/Change current serial port baud rates and input/output data formats
- View/Add/Remove output messages (logs) for each serial port
- Auto-Configure a serial port for common tasks
- Configure PDPFilter settings (GL1DE)
- Configure SBAS settings (WAAS, EGNOS, etc.)
- Configure L-Band frequency and baud rate (OmniStar, TerraStar, and CDGPS)
- Configure receiver function (Rover or Base Station)
- Configure cellular and NTRIP settings on Smart-MR15
- Monitor the data stream on the serial port you are connected to

- NovAtel OEMV, OEM6, or OEM7 GNSS Receiver
- Microsoft Windows 2000 or newer
- Microsoft .Net framework v2.0 or v3.5


- Change Log
Current Version: 2023.10.27 - NovAtelConfig.exe
Previous Version: 2022.11.21 - NovAtelConfig.exe