Lefebure.com / Farming / 2012 / May 2012

Finally some rain. Less than an inch, but we'll take anything at this point. The weather was cooler today, never got above 60 degrees. That is also helping to let this moisture soak in rather than evaporate off the top.
Started applying liquid N today.


We added 4 more rows to the liquid N applicator to cover more acres per hour. While the planter is 24 rows and this applicator is now 16 rows, it should work alright most of the time since we ran RTK on the planter tractor. There will be places where this applicator is covering two passes with the planter, and I'm sure the guess row will get a little narrow or wide on hilly ground where the planter had different amounts of draft between passes, but it should be fine most of the time.


Parked in the shed and unhooked.

Finished planting soybeans. We've been planting in to completely dry dirt for the past couple days, so we now need a rain for germination.




The first picture is sweet corn, which is why the population is low.

Started planting soybeans today.

Finished planting corn today. The dryer was set in place, but there are a lot of things to connect yet. The wet holding bin was also set on top of the hopper. At one point today there were four cranes on site, although the two smaller ones weren't in use.

The dryer showed up today. There are currently three cranes on site, which does seem a little ridiculous. Also, corn planting is progressing nicely.

The corn planted 10+ days ago is up. The tillage machine started rolling again late this afternoon. We're planning to let the dirt dry a bit overnight and plant tomorrow morning.

Local TV station says 100% chance of rain today, but it is a beautiful dry day and the radar is clear. I took the ATV out on a rolling (not flat) field to have a look at the soil moisture. Tires were kicking up dust 99% of the time, but there are still some wet spots that are too wet to plant yet. Meanwhile, I planted some tomatoes in the garden.
Finally dried out enough today to get the sprayer out. Still need a couple more dry days before the planter will work, but it may rain again before we see that.
All the rings are now on the big bin. It looks bigger now than it did in the sales brochure.

Getting closer.

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