Lefebure.com / Farming / 2011 / July 2011

Barn maintenance, before the paint.

Spotted some green iron loaded on rail cars. Most likely going to the East coast for export.

It has been 90+ degrees all week, and we haven't seen much rain in the last month. Fortunately for the crops, the humidity is also high, although that makes it less than enjoyable for us humans. Sandy soil doesn't hold moisture very well, which results in the plants becoming quite dehydrated. Note how quickly the soil type can change though.

Some wind came through on the 11th, which completely flattened some corn fields not far away from us. We were fortunate to not have much damage. One row on the west side of one field is mostly "goose-necked". The wind blew the plant over, and then it tried to grow back up, which results in the curved stalk.

Spent that last few days at the InfoAg conference, which was held in Springfield, IL. While the corn back home was just starting to shoot tassels, almost every field around here is at tassel. Of course, that is expected since Springfield is ~200 miles further south.

Today was the tour prior to InfoAg. We checked out the Dekalb seed plant, the Farm Progress Show site, and a local iron dealer.

JD PitStop Pro
Autonomous Helicopter

You can find a tractor pull somewhere around here almost every weekend in the summer. This pull was in Wyoming, IA. There was a lot of activity with 2 sleds going at close to 20 hooks per hour each.

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