Lefebure.com / Farming / 2011 / January 2011


Prediction time: I expect soybeans to hit $17 in 2011, and $20 wouldn't surprise me.
Statistics time: A quick look at traffic on this website for the year 2010.
Total bandwidth used: 72,023 MB
Total page views: 302,114
Total hits: 5,902,976
Busiest day of the week: Wednesday. The slowest day is Monday.
Number of downloads of Lefebure NTRIP Client: 909
Referrals from search engines: 81.8% came from Google. Bing was in second place with 8.4%.
Traffic by OS: WinXP alone has 48.5%. Mac OS is 2.7%, Linux is 1.3%.
Traffic by browser in January: IE had 63.6%, Firefox had 23.4%, Chrome had 2.8%
Traffic by browser in December: IE had 45.4%, Firefox had 32.2%, Chrome had 9.6%
In December, 5.4% of the total traffic is coming from people that are STILL on IE 6.

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