Lefebure.com / Farming / 2011 / August 2011

We finally saw some rain yesterday for the first time in a while. We weren't as dry as Decatur was, but the crops are showing drought stress. Anything in sandy soil is toast, and while everything else is still green, it is cutting in to the yield. This rain will help some of the soybeans, but the really early hybrids are already starting to turn yellow, which means the plant is done and shutting down.
Farm Progress Show, 2011 in Decatur, IL. Deere released their new S series combines, and even had one under a big black sheet, which got everyone's curiosity up. The new Kinze grain cart was on site too. The highlight for me was the tillage demonstrations. It hasn't rained in Decatur in 2 months, and the ground is extremely hard. The deep rippers were pulling up chunks of dirt larger than basket balls. Actually, the ripper shanks were tripping frequently. A Cat 865C spun out as soon as he dropped the implement in the ground, and the Case IH 600 Quad Track ran out of power on the ripper it was trying to pull at ~5 MPH. That seemed to work better at 3 MPH. All the wheel machines had significant amounts of wheel slippage. It ended up being something akin to a tractor pull, but with tillage instead of a sled.

Iowa Straw Poll in Ames. This is where all the republican presidential candidates try to buy your vote with free transportation, food, and music. Pawlenty had the best food with Famous Dave's BBQ and Dairy Queen Blizzards. Bachmann had the best music with Randy Travis.

Family from out of state stopped by on a cross-country summer road trip. This is a 1973 Checker Aerobus. It seats 12 including the driver.

Painting in progress.

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