Lefebure.com / Farming / 2005 / April 2005

The corn planting was finished up yesterday, but we won't be starting on the soybeans just yet. Maybe next week, depending on weather.
We're back in the fields again today, but only for tillage and planting. The spraying will have to wait because it is just too windy. Rain is in the forecast for the next few days.
Rain has been in the forecast almost day last week, and it finally caught up to us a couple days ago. Yesterday was the first day of being stopped due to rain. It rained again last night, so we won't be planting corn today. Rain is also in the forecast for next week, but we've given up on listening to the meteorologists. The temperatures have also dropped down into the 30s. I even saw some snow flurries last night. This is a good reminder why we don't plant corn at the beginning of April - we would have frost damage if we did.
Scattered showers last night, but not on the fields we wanted to plant.

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Planting, Drive by 2
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9180, 8.5MPH
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9180, U-turn
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9180, Dusty

More corn planting.
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Unfolding the Planter
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Planting, Drive by
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Planting headlands

Today marks the first day of planting corn. It seems a little odd, but the wheat harvest will be starting in about 2 weeks in Arizona.
The Treflan and anhydrous were finished up earlier this week before it rained. We now have the planter hooked up and ready to roll. Today we trenched in some tile in a field that needed some drainage. Preferrably we would do this in the fall due to compaction, but it needs to be fixed now. Today was a beautiful day and I think I even got a little sunburn. We'll probably begin planting corn in about a week.
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Trenching in Tile

We caught a little rain a few days ago and now we're back into the anhydrous and Treflan again. The pictures show the CIH 9180 (aka "Big Red pulling a 42' Great Plains Discovator. Treflan was sprayed onto the ground several hours earlier and this tillage tool incorporates the chemical into the soil for better weed control.

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9180 Driving by
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9180 In cab view
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9180 Unfolding

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